Small group hiking for the hounds of Bellingham!


Join Our Pack!


Pick Up/Drop Off

Your hound will be picked up and dropped off from your home, office or hotel. Times vary daily, dependent on group size and session space. They will ride securely in individual kennels in our van. At the end of the adventure, dogs will be towel-dried before coming home tongue-out-tired and ready to relax!

On/Off Leash Hikes

Hikes range from 2-2.5 hours, including play time on the property. Sometimes a romp in the woods is all they need! All dogs wear waterproof GPS collars for safety and peace of mind. Water and treats are provided along the trail. Trail routes are chosen with factors such as shade, mud, foot/bike traffic and group size.


We want to meet you and your pup before the first dog walk! This is on your time, at your house or office. Our top priority is your dog, so getting to know you and your dog will help us place them in the best dog walking group. Please check out the Requirements page BEFORE scheduling your Meet-and-Greet. Ideal hiking hounds are friendly around other dogs/people and do not have an aggressive history.



Dogs belong outside! Oh, and we love dogs! We want your dog to feel the freedom of adventuring on the trails while you’re busy “doing life.” Let us take your dog on a daily exploration on our local mountain and get the stimulation they need so they can live their best life. They will thank you!



This is our custom van for the safe transport of your beloved best friend. With individual, fully separated kennels, your dog will enjoy the ride in peace and you will know they are comfortable from pick up to drop off. We will make the journey as calm as we can with water, treats and maybe even some singing. Give us a wave if you see us in town - it’s not always clean but we’re having too much fun being muddy!


Copyright 2020 Galbraith Trail Hounds LLC

We are licensed and insured.